Monday, October 17, 2011


How it started, I cannot remember..
An upcoming meeting at St Elizabeth’s, their impending demands…
Boom! A white scratch by the door handle
A couple odd fellows, odd characters, odd companions.
An older white man with white hair,
A middle aged black woman with black hair.
Slowly trudging by
anger exploded
Alabama Ave parking lot.

Taken aback by the vibration
An old-fashioned way of communication.
Spinning, swirling, simply detached, floating, painfully.
Car: melted into a burgundy puddle
Anger: clear steam, evaporating.
Sitting, sweating, heavy as lead, yet free floating and free falling.
A search for seltzer,
Images racing.
Beautiful baby with a brother, hand-sown dolls, clinging metal spoons in teacups,
Colorful scarves, the war’s soldiers, quiet after the storm,
Rebuilding, brick buildings,
Education, factory work, part of the movement,
Scientists’ playground, overcoming gravity, flowers, patterned wallpaper,
Marriage, smooth skinned photographs,
A quiet and curious little boy chasing chickens,
Military seriousness, relocation,
Sending him off, meeting the grandbabies,
Driving the red car, henna haircolor, relying on eyeglasses,
Fussing around, butter and jam on white bread cut into bite sized pieces
Radio talks, herbal remedies, superstitions, sharing wisdom, generosity:
Stuffing a fifty into our bag thinking we wouldn’t see.
Goodbyes, trains, the cat’s dish, and gauze headdress.
The dotted spotted injury site and the cheerful voice.

A search for seltzer. Beautiful brown skinned people paying no attention to me.
Colorful headlines
Jewelry, latest hairstyles, the gossip and never ending musical chairs of celebrities’ romances.
Is this a fucking joke?!
Slam this empty glitter and scream.
Stop sign.
Pull over at the side of the road. Many stares.
The river is pretty. Tears. The film plays back.
God is the master of it all. He owns the day that’s falling out from under our feet.
I am powerless.
Somehow it is at peace.