Friday, June 17, 2011


The thing about being in your mid-twenties is that you start to realize who you are, the things you like and the things that scare you. You see where you are like your parents, and pray for the God's grace to keep you from generational sin. You see too where God is in your heart, and you bow to your knees in gratitude, that yes, Screwtape has not completely infiltrated your soul. Your mid-twenties are the first time you can really stop, pause from life's race to check your heartbeat, where you have the wisdom to sense the venom and the gifted righteousness coursing through your veins. It's a time for deciding on what roads to take, but when you know that you will constantly be deciding.

My friend Hlase claims women reach their age of wisdom at 27- I think there's some truth to this, or at least that's the age where we can start to understand what the scope of wisdom might be and appreciate it. At 26 though, I stand in wisdom's shadow. Wisdom to me, is a serene woman, not bowled over by life's storms, an edifice looking upwards. At 26 though, I toss and blow too often like the detritis in the fierce weather patterns in the valley just below that edifice. At 26 I feel the chill of the possibility of a loveless life; not that I am not loved, but that I have not loved. And yet, I know enough to have hope and look towards that edifice, and know that at 36, 66, 86 I'll continue to look to that edifice, for wisdom, like love, hopes.

1 comment:

  1. i enjoyed your expression of longings and questions and hope
